Post Office…

No, I didnt get any Valentines Day Cards today in the post… And I didn’t send any either so I cant be too disappointed.

It is interesting looking at the price of calculator batteries… The ones the size of a 20 cent coin. At the local shopping centre the price difference is amazing. They sell for between $4 for four and $5.95 each. Anyone want to guess which ones I am going to be buying? [Well, the batteries ended up costing $3 each.]

One of the things that I forgot to mention about working from home is the ammount of junk that you tend to accumulate. Some of this is just paper doccumentation, then there is the other stuff. On the paper side, things are fairly easy. I have a very nice scanner so I can just sheet feed all the papers in. Once the files are in the computer I can then shred the original. Some of these things are thinks like a 173 page *MONTHLY* Telstra bill for myself. I will post a photo of the thing at some stage. I have two boxes of papers to scan here for myself, and another box for my father. Right now Richard has the scanner so he can tidy his home office too.

As for the other types of junk, I hate throwing stuff out when it has some value to someone. So far I have given away three radio transmitters, a frequency counter, a three line telephone system with five handsets, five power supplies and other junk. I have already thrown out a large bag of clothes (to the Smith Family), a carload of wood, lots of old computing gear and probably a lot of other stuff. All in all I am getting rid of a lot of stuff.

Anyway I had better get going… I need to buy some batteries and some Kwik Grip and just look around K-Mart. Speak to you all later.