Radio Circuits
These circuit diagrams are copyright of their respective owners. They are
stored here so that you can repair the equipment you have legally purchased.
C188A.TIF | Standard C188A 2M HT |
FT90R.TIF | Yaesu 2M micro Mobile |
FT-230.TIF | Yaesu 2M Mobile |
FT-2400.TIF | Yaesu FT-2400 2M Mil Spec Mobile |
TM251.TIF | Kenwood TM-251 2M Mobile |
TM451.TIF | Kenwood TM-451 70cm Mobile |
HT1.TIF | SEEC T-1200AS 2M HT |
MTR8000.TIF | MTR-8000 Mobile |
atxps.gif | ATX PSU by DTK from |