A long day

A long day

Right now I am on MSN with a client in Rome. We are working on a project together. Last year I managed to drop in on them on the way home. Way cool 🙂

This is me outside the Vatican in Rome last september.

There are times like this that it would be good if I could just spend a couple of hours in the car and driver over there. It would be so much easier than text messaging. I have tried to get them to use SKYPE for voice communications without success.

I dont know about anyone else, but I like to add photos to my Blog.

This photo is from the office door.

Today did not turn out how I expected it. I did not get as much work done as I had hoped. Then again I usually do not get as much work done as I have planned. I am just dreading doing my accounts for last quarter, and my tax returns for the accountant. I can see that taking 3 days… which is about that many days too long. If any reader would like to help, I would appreciate the assistance, or even the company.

Tomorrow I need to take Mum to the oncologist in Campbelltown for a checkup. It has been three months since her last one, and there is very little chance of the doctor saying anything bad, since they have done no tests since last time.

Music: I finally purchased Delta Goodrem’s latest CD. Some of the music is actually not bad.