If you read this site you can get an interesting view of the conditions in New Orleans at the moment for a group of people working in a business there – a company that has not been directly affected by the water, but in an office building that is effectively a fort. They have very good internet access, thanks to the fibreoptics.

Since most people have no phone service, how does that work? Well, the fibe is basically point to point between them and the exchange, and the high bandwidth fibre usually is at the top of the buildings with huge numbers of batteries and generators. And then there is direct fibre to other parts of the USA which have power and internet access. I personally think it is surreal to have the internet access with such high speeds working when so many people have nothing, and half the city is under water.

As a quick link, here is a quick link to getting Mac OSX running on a PC.

The Register has a story about how New Zealand was almost invaded thanks to the iPod. Seems that an iPod was infested by some exotic ants when it was shipped. When the owner opened it they saw the problem, and were asked to put the device in the freezer to kill the ants.

Finally, Radioactive Networks is re-releasing our OziWay software designed to log waypoints in OziExplorer for future use. This software has been highly successful, and we are now positioning this within our TeamTrack range. We are close to finishing an advanced version with the ability to upload to the TeamTrack server, or to a remote GIS system. Link.