Occasionally windows fails in some strange and unusual ways. For instance, at the moment I have the compiler for the CPU on the tracker open. Of course this program has its own icon. However at the moment the windows taskbar right now has the WORD icon associated with the program. Basically I think the PC needs more ram. It has 1 GByte but I do not think that is enough. I will have to look at the manual and see if I can upgrade the memory. I just checked and found that I can install two 1 GByte modules in this computer, so I can actually have up to 2 GByte. eBay has them for about $200, which I am not sure is a good deal. I have no idea at all. So that would be $400 or so to upgrade the PC. I will look around and see what is available.

I checked the local pawn store for an XBox. They had one for only $200. Yeah, sure. I might make an offer for the machine, but I suspect I will be looking elsewhere. I have seen a cool mod chip available here. Easy to install too.

There was a comment in a newspaper that stock market prices are most commonly starting with the number 1. There is logic to this since the prices are commonly percentage increases or decreases, meaning it is faster for numbers to move from starting with 2 or 3 etc than one. A doubling of 1 moves makes it 2. But a doubling of 8 makes a lot more than 9. A graphical description of this is available here.