A survey

Writing a Blog can be hard. Not only do I need to write what I want to write, I need to write what other people want to read. With that in mind I have devised the following survey. Please take the time to fill it in. And do not feel compelled to fill in every question. You may leave any question unanswered.

What type of content do you prefer on this Blog?

Technical information and fights with technology
Personal Information and Stories

How often do you visit this WWW site and Blog?

One or more times a day
Several times a week
Once a week
Once a Month

What do you think about the technical content here?

There is too much technical content
There is too little technical content
There is about the right amount of technical content

What do you think about the personal content here?

There is too much personal content
There is too little personal content
There is about the right amount of personal content

Why do you visit here?

Are there enough pictures in the content?

There are too many photos
There are not enough photos
There are the right amount of photos.

Do you have a Blog? What is the URL?

Do you have a WWW site? What is the URL?

What is your name?

Email Address


May we contact you to follow up your answers and comments?
