More Cleaning Up

I have been doing more cleaning up this afternoon. I was about to say I did not realise how much junk I had. But the thing is that I think I actually did. I got more of it thrown out today. Remember the old plastic and steel garbage bins that used to be used. Well, I filled one of those today with just rubbish. Things are getting tidier, but I am not finished yet.

There is stuff that I bought for my business, or have been given which I have never used. Some of this gets thrown out. Other stuff gets just given away. Sure, I could try to sell some of this, but really that is more effort than it is likely to be worth. I might sell one of two things, but not all of them. And I have to invest a lot of time to get the few things sold. And the items will generally not sell for very much money.

Right now I have finished 80% of friday’s To-Do list. This is not bad. More than I had ever expected to really. Getting the entire list done was a bit over-optimistic I think. There is probably 2-3 days full work there for me just on the 6 items left from the to-do list.

I have missed not working on the plane this weekend. I actually look forward to working on it, strange as that sounds. It is just a chance to do something totally different.
