When programming at every corner there seems to be another problem to solve. This can be a real pain at times. Well, most of the time. In VB, I just learned how to find a date, for instance 100 years back. It is the AddYears function. And to generate the date 100 years back, you type something like
dim OneHundredYearsBack as date = now.addyears (-100)

Now, using the -100 took my a bit by surprise. It is logical, but took me some time to find. Not hours, but probably a minute or two. This is about a minute or two more than it should have. Right now I am working on an algorithm for a communications infrastructure, and I am having some issues getting it running; not actually implementing anything, but with working what I need to implement.

Simplifying some of the logic I think I have got things working. The testing looks good. I will see after a few hours what the database is telling me. So far things are looking really good.


What is not looking good is the weather RADAR on the BOM Web Site. The weather looks horrible. But thankfully I do not need to be out in it driving or anything like that.


I was planning to go running today, but it seems that it is raining outside. I will see how it goes in another hour or so. I expect that given the weather lately that things will improve. It is certainly not the ‘wild storms’ that are predicted in the Sydney Morning Herald.

Update at 4:00. The rain does not look like it is going to let up for some time. So I decided to get the treadmill out and spend some time on it. I could only do 7 1/2 minutes on it. The stresses on the body are different from running, with no visible goal apart from the clock, a harder run since it is slightly up hill with more friction, no wind in the face and none of the open air. When I stopped I certainly neeed to have a sit down – which is what I am doing right now, before a cool shower to clean up.

It would have been nice to run outside but I just don’t feel like getting soaked today. After all it isn’t ‘Summer Rain’