I have just turned the music off so I can work listening to the rain. I just love the sound. Now if I only had a good book (and no work) I would get into bed right now and start reading. Ah, well… I will just have to wait until tomorrow until my book arives FINALLY. If it is still raining that is.

My software seem be behaving itself. I am glad. Today I am thinking that I love software more than hardware. Other days when I get fed up with software, I love the hardware more.

I heard from a client today that I gave a proposal to. They loved the proposal but they need to interface with another part of their organisation, so they need to wait for them to set their requirements. What this will mean is that I suspect that another zero or two will be added to the cost of the project, and then it will be canned. Oh, well.

I needed to generate a random time delay on the program that I was working on earlier today. I could not find the RANDOM function in VB.NET to generate a Random Number. Turns out it is improved from VB. The syntax may be a bit strange, but oddly it does make sense.
getRandomNumber = New System.Random().Next(low, high)
Another article I found on DevX.Com described how to create a GUID – or Globally Unique ID – a number that is perfectly unique…
GetGUID = “{” System.Guid.NewGUID().ToString & “}”


I was thinking about the strangest place I have every been. One place came to my mind. Tropic. I can’t remember if it is in Arizona or Utah or Nevada. It is in one of them, near all the Canyons. Anway Tropic is a small community, and I was there in a January, and I can tell you it was cold. I left a bottle of Coke in the car overnight, and it froze. Actually, most things froze. Concidering it was only three degrees that morning. Farenheight. Making it about -20 or so celcius.

I can recommend the general store/restraunt there for breakfast. I ordered a large stack of pancakes, needing all the energy I could get. Big mistake. I could only eat half of them, thanks to most of the pancakes being about an inch think, and huge. And the price was reasonable too.

At some stage I will drag out some of the photos from Tropic and add them here.


I have Dido’s “Mary’s in India” on the Random Play again. The song is so cool. Now Marina Vidal’s “Body Rock”.