The flight from Sydney to Albury was quick and there was no turbulence at all. There are parts of flying I love and parts I hate. Taking off was great… Getting to see Sydney from the air is wonderful. There is a song – ‘Sydney from a 747 at night’ which I think was sung by Paul Kelly. It has the lyrics ‘Have you ever seen Sydney from a 747 at night’. I will post the partial lyrics here later.

The imagery is simply fantastic. Sydney from a Saab 340 in the daytime is amazing too. We took off going south on the old runway, over Kurnel. Botany Bay looks fantastic from above – and so peaceful.

REX might have poor in-flight snacks, but their seats are comfortable at least. They have sheepskin on all the seats meaning that they are not only cool, but even more comfortable than normal. I just spent the entire flight just looking out the window. You can certainly see the impact of farming on the world. I would love to be able to buy a few thousand square KM and plant them with native forest, just because I can.

I would love to be able to fly, but I don’t know that I will ever get a license. I just don’t trust myself enough to handle myself if things go wrong. I am sure that I could, I am just not confident.

Flying over Canberra is always interesting… I love seeing Parliament House and Tidbinbilla from the air. The radio telescope looks so small from the air and so large from the ground. Things are really placed into perspective… Alas, no photos… I forgot to bring a camera… Maybe next time…