I woke up too early this morning… Part of it is being in a strange bed, but I think mostly it is the trucks on the road outside. Thankfully I keep ear things in my travel kit to keep out the noise, but that only goes so far. Some of the trucks get fairly noisy, and I am pretty sure that a police officer would make a mint on this road at night with a Radar gun.


Q:What do you get when you cross a chicken with a centipede?
A:media circus about the debate over the morals and ethics of genetic engineering.


There have been stories in the last week or two about how the President of the USA has been getting staffers to upload music to his iPod. This activity is technically illegal since in the USA you only have fair use rights if you do things per personal use. Not for the personal use of someone else. And since the RIAA in the USA has been sueing anyone they can think of for Piracy, it would not be unreasonable for them to sue The President. So a WWW site has registered the site SueThePresident.Com for a satire site on this ‘issue’

Setting Up Satellite

There is a cute article with lots of Photos on a Blog about a guy setting up broadband internet satellite dish in Iraq. This guy went to a whole lot more trouble than the last few times I have played with Satellites. Of course the satellites I have played with did not have internet access, so the bandwidth requirements were less so the antennas were smaller.

I tried to find a photo of the antenna at home I used to try to contact the Russian Space Station MIR (but heard MIR on) but I could not find a photo. I will have to post one in the next few days. But I have found another photo of a satellite uplink antenna on the back of my car for a project… It is the antenna closest to the camera… The black blob in the middle of the roof is a GPS antenna, and the far antenna is for a land based vehicle tracking system.