Don’t even try to work out how I found this (BoingBoing.Net), but I found a site that gives instructions on how to build your own Bath Bombs… Sounds like a fun little project…

News.Com.Au has a story about how a woman in Afghanastan was stoned to death for adultory, and her lover received 100 lashes and was then freed. The stoning was the sentence of the district court. What I found most horrible was that the woman was stoned to death by her husband. This is saying that she is more responsible than her lover, which I find very wrong. I find it unbelievable that a man could stone his wife to death too.

Junkyard Wars

Junkyard Wars on Discovery was cool tonight. There was more evidence that this series is being filmed in the UK rather than the USA. It is fairly hidden, but there are the signs… Some language features such as commenting ‘… in the USA we call that…’, the fact that most of the vehicles in the junkyard are right hand drive, and the occasional UK license plate.

The task tonight was to build speed boats… And the team that should have won did not since they capsized. The reason for the capsize was that the team placed the passenger in a position where they made the vessel unstable, rather than positioning him to balance the load.

Right now I am busy documenting some code… One of my clients has requested a whole lot of features, and this will require some work… If I want to do it in a way that is maintainable into the future. So I have got out Microsoft Visio and I am documenting the code that I have there already. Once I have done that ( and I have already finished that task) I can then work on the improvements for this client.