I just received an email from a potential client in Bagdad, Iraq. I think I wrote about this before. The problem is I can give him a solution, but it is likely to make it more likely that the client would get killed thanks to remote controlled bomb’s. Something like this. The way some of these go off is that if they detect a radio signal nearby then they just go boom… And if I get such equipment added to vehicles then I am potentially making them more of a target. Also, right now I have no desire to visit that part of the world, and I can see trying to debug a system from here in Australia will be a pain.


I have been very busy today, and the good news is that the software is getting close to being what I think the client wants. Right now though I am trying to find a bug… Something funny is happening with the code… And the other issues is that I cannot do much testing without moving vehicles.

The screendump shows where the software is up to right now. It does need more work but it is really amazing at the amount of work that has gone into this in the last day or so. It needs to be made to look more user friendly. The icons need to be made to look nicer too – not in their look but their layout.


I had Elton John with Tiny Dancer on the Jukebox earlier. I love this song. I listened to the Evanescence album too and found it good, but you can only listen to it for so long. It is one of those albums….