I think I have found a bug in my software. The image just below is from some software that I had running for about 15 minutes. And the distance is in KM. That is, according to the software, the vehicle has traveled 856,647.87 KM.

Now there are a couple of problems here. First as this is approaching the speed of light, you are unlikely to get anywhere near this speed on Australian roads. Which is where this vehicle was.

The other problem was that this single vehicle should have been about ten vehicles meaning that there was a huge collision somewhere – which is presumably how come the object is moving so much. Humor aside, what is happening is that the software thinks that the positions coming in from all vehicles are really for a single vehicle, moving in circles really really fast.


DJ Sammy… Boys of Summer. Remake of the classic ‘Don Henley’ song from the 1980’s. I was going to say that I think this version is more modern, which it obviously is. And fresher. It is certainly a good interpretation of the music, and I think it is an improvement. The synth in the background at times, as found in techno is there, but not too overpowering. Overall a great piece of music. I wish all I could play that well. All I can do is mimic the movemant of the hands of the keyboardist or the drummer as if I knew what I was doing, and as if I could keep time to the beat.

One of lifes great ironies is that I have this great love of music, and have almost no ability to actually play.