A paperless office. Ha. I don’t know how less paperless my office could be. Well, I do, but realistically it could not be too much more paperless. Modern business lives on paper. Next to my desk I have a scanner, shredder and paper recycling bin. What is missing from that list. Printer. I do have one – on the other side of the room. And it is almost never turned on. I only turn it on if I need to operate it to print something.

I have two ways of refering to materials when programming – firstly I do online searching for the information I need. This is using google. When Microsoft went to VB.NET their online help actually got a whole lot worse. It is very hard to use. I find it easier just to google. And I also have a professional library. I needed to program a “File Save” function a few moments ago, and so I looked at my copy of “Professional VB.NET 2nd Edition” from WROX. This book is about 1000 pages long, and a few of the pages are falling out. It is a great reference book, which is why some of the pages are starting to malt.

Reference books and Google are why I am not as productive programming away from my office, or away from the Internet.


The Miracle of Love – The Eurythmics