ARGH… I just got home and my Internet access is not working. This is not good… I have just dialed in and I am contacting support….


From Earlier…
I am currently at Westfield Eastgardens writing this – I have a meeting nearby soon, and I needed something to eat first.

I made the mistake of looking in HMV music store – I picked up a few albums on special, They are:
Red Hot Chili Peppers Live in Hyde Park
Neil Young – Harvest
Bette Midler – Greatest Hits
Coldplay – Parachutes

This morning I have needed to do a complete loop. Firstly I needed to pick up a PCB at Kings Park. Whilst there we got talking about Satellites – my supplier mentioned he had been at a seminar and some people mentioned that they had got a satellite built and launched for only $1M, and he thought that this was cheap. I had to disappoint him by letting him know that a friend managed to do the same thing for $10K. Somewhat cheaper really.

Then I dropped in on Richard’s to have a look at the plane – Both wings are together and he has started on the firewall. It finally looks as if this thing might fly.

Then I came over to a friends office at Eastgardens. He was not there and I was hoping to reprogram some radios. Unfortunately my friend had taken the programmer with him to Melbourne for the day. He will be back soon so I might drop in later. Then I have a meeting soon in Botany… And then home.