I hate it when that happens. I typed up a Blog entry and the Blogging system failed. That is something I really really hate. It means that I need to re-create what I wrote. We I do if I still want to share it all, and I do. So here goes.

My broadband is back. It was out for too many hours – and it was Telstra’s problem, and it was rather local. I suspect that Telstra had an equipment failure of some type in the local exchange and that took out ADSL users. I was beginning to wonder what was going on, since there was nothing on the ISP’s WWW site showing any issues

Today I had a meeting at 2pm over near the airport. What I failed to realize the scope of the meeting. When I got there I realized that what the customer wanted to do was basically ‘The world’. I have often joked about a client wanting the world. This is the closest I have ever come to a client who wants the world, and actually means it. To tell you the truth, my head is still spinning, and the meeting ended four hours ago.

I also picked up the PCB today – the one that I designed. It looks fantastic. Then again don’t all people who design things think the same way? Well, this one is really fantastic. I thought that things were really stuffed up. I mean majorly bad. But then I realized that I had plugged the CPU module in backwards. Turning it around certainly helped. Made things work – and now I can load software into it.

I still need to actually test the hardware and the software, and add some more features, but it is looking fantastic. That is tomorrows job. Right now I am too exhausted to do any serious work on it. And Since I will be working on it tomorrow I will be able to send an email sometime on the weekend saying that we can get it manufactured from Monday. And then I can have my birthday off.

Anyway it is late and I need to get some sleep. Good Night.