It is raining right now – I know this since I got caught in it – and got well and truely soaked. I was out running, and I did not think that the rain would come. It started about 1km from home, and I did not really want to be caught in it as the wind was blowing and I do not want to get a cold.

Anyway I proceeded home rather than continue with the run. I ended up running a respectable 4.8 KM averaging about 9.3KM/H. This is slightly faster than before thanks to the rain and the fact that I did not want to freeze to death. To tell the truth I was not quite soacked but I was fairly wet.

I could produce the GPS plot and add it here but there is not much to show. To tell the truth I was a bit disapointed with my running performance. I did not doo too bad, but I am hoping to get close to the 7 km mark. We will see how I go over the coming weeks.

Following the run I grabbed some lunch and then there was a collection of phone calls. I think there were about four or five in turn. Bssically no calls for the previous day and a half, and then all at once. Just happens that way I guess… Anyway I have some work to do so I had better get going