Right now I am feeling a tiny bit tired. This is probably my bodies way of telling me that it really does not like exercise. Before I had lunch I had a phone call from a friend. He was coming over to get some help from me with programming, and I mentioned that I had better have a run before he arrived. His comment was ‘You?’ I had told him in the past that I was running, but he did not really believe me.

Anyway I am wondering if getting tired after running is a symptom of running – where the body reacts to the re-distributing of stored energy by inducing tiredness. Not sure. Maybe I am just getting old 🙂

I certainly do not feel any older now that I have had my birthday. Not at all. If anything I feel younger, and healthier with all this running and exercise.

According to this story in the Daily Telegraph, a persons handwriting is an insight into their soul. There is little detail in the article as probably this is quite a complex subject.


I have not had much of a chance to listen to much music this afternoon thanks to the number of calls I have had. I love the headset… It really helps and allows me to type whilst I am speaking to people. But listening to music does not all that well thanks to being hard to listen to the music at a level which I can hear the people talking.