I am watching ‘My Here’ on cable, and I am really really loving it. The concept is a superhero alien who marries a woman from the UK. It is so hilarious. The main character is also from the comedy ‘Father Ted’.

I am just loving this show so much… It is so farsical. They now have a young child – a few months old who talks and can fly… I just love it. If you have not seen it, you should look out for it. What makes things worse is that the alien’s best friend… or good friend… has taken too much LSD I think. You would not believe how strange this character is.

Right now the alien has been ‘shrunk’ as therapy when he went to marriage counciling. Until he could grow up. Just hilarious.

Now that the new month has started I am looking further at my WebStats… Working out which links are not working on my site. And fixing problems. It is much easier when things are zeroed. And now that the Web Site Indexing is working… I guess that the stats for this month will be much better than the last few months. From the increase in enquiries I would guess that the seach engines are working.