ZDnet has an article on the security in place at eBay. Interesting article but a bit light on detail. ZDnet are putting out articles each day this week on ths subject, so it will be interesting to see what else is said.

Over the weekend I reported about a blog showing sydney transport information. Well, The SMH has picked up the story, with the STA blaming an external consultant who said there was nothing of value on the server. OOps.

Today I have some radio type issues to solve. They may be quick, but we will have to see about that… They might take longer than I hope too. Everything always does unfortunately. And then there is some programming to do too. Thankfully I got the meeting I was going to have today out of the way yesterday so I can work on things now.

Right now I have some web pages to fix… There are still some broken links that I need to find.