I am getting more used to being back by the hour, and realise how much I both miss being away, and love being home. I had an email from my Canadian reseller saying it took him 11 hours to get home. It took me about 17 hours in total including an hour from the hotel to the airport, two hours at LAX, 13 in the air, and an hour getting through customs and getting home. Not a bad effort really…

In a few minutes I am going to get my iPod out and upload the albums that I bought when I was in the USA. That should be fairly quick and painless I would guess… I did not but all that much music since the prices were not all that much better (and were generally worse) than here in Australia.

I am still catching up on things – emails and the such. I am down to 133 emails. I should be able to get that right down today I hope. I will see how I go getting stuff done this afternoon. And I am feeling a whole lot better – more energy and the flu is almost gone. Thankfully.