Ever have days when you get nothing done? Well, today seems like that to me. I am getting nowhere with anything today mostly. I just seem to get call after call after call. And intersuprsed between calls are emails and more calls. There are just so many things happening right now… I need another me.

This week I have friday fully booked. Then I have to go to wahroonga one day to install some cables. Then a friend of mine wants me to help him install some stuff at Sydney airport. And also come over to help him configure some equipment. And the list just goes on. I need to pick up some cable in order to do that cabling job.

So things just are adding on top of each other right now. Then next week my client wants me up north… And he does not have broadband, so I am hoping that my Vodafone GPRS works at his place. It should, but you never know. And it is now just before 3PM and I have not even had lunch yet… Time for some food!!