The T G Daily Web site has a collection of some of the more interesting End User License Agreements available. The quote that I love the most is “We’re pretty confident in our software, but if it happens to entirely accidentally turn your machine into a cold fusion reactor and open up a hole in space, you cannot, we repeat, cannot hold us responsible.”

The Australian ports will hit chaos tomorrow when the Sydney ports fill up. News.Com.Au has more information, but basically there has been a huge stuff-up with the implementation of the new system.

Foxtel has a show on right now about Mt Rushmore – and what I did not realize is that they were intending to have the presidents taller than just their busts. It is an impressive place, and I really want to visit there one of these days. The problem is that Rushmore is so hard to get to… It is not really on the major airline hubs. Maybe on my next trip to the USA. We will just have to see…