I tried out my 3G card from Vodafone in a 3G area, and it seems to work well. I did it from the parking lot of a client at North Ryde using the external antenna. It had about 50% signal strength which was not idea. Using remote desktop seemed to work really well. SKYPE… Well, I tried to connect to a friend to test, but he was busy and did not allow the call. So I then tried the Skype Call Test number, and it seemed to work fairly well, although there was a delay with some of the voice messages.

They provide some velcro to attacke an external antenna to the laptop if you want. I have attached a picture here of the laptop with the antenna and the card on the left. The blue thing on the laptop is a note reminding me of someones new email address…

I was looking at some photos earlier, and found this cute photo. This is a friends work vehicle, just off Sunset Blvd in Hollywood. I find the vehicle rather cute.

In the SMH there is a story about the Governments reprt on VoIP. You can actually find the report on the DCITA Web Site. We might be seing the 05 area code being used soon for mostly VoIP numbers which have no geographic region connected to them. Interesting concept.