I have been setting up a new PC today for a project and it has been *interesting* at times. Getting the operating system installed was fairly easy and straightforward. What I did find was that I needed to install the drivers that came with the motherboard to get the video to work properly. It worked without that but there was some flicker. Not a lot, and not all the time.

I was having some issues that the system would go into sleep mode when I plugged in a PCMCIA card. adding the drivers and making sure that the system was updated fixed that problem.

I had the normal problem where the GPS receiver was detected as a mouse. I tried a few things to fix this, and none seemed to work. Eventually I found a page that told me what to do. I went into the device manager in the control panel, and found the MOUSE driver for Microsoft Ballpoint, and disabled it. That is the fix, and it works really well.

The other thing I wanted to do was to use VNC to connect to the computer, in a way similar to Remote Desktop. This just would NOT work. Not at all. I could not work it out. Using NetStat, I found it was not listening for the connections externally, but only on the same computer. Eventually I found that the FIREWALL in Windows XP was blocking incoming connections. Disabling the firewall partially helped. Then I needed to restart the VNC service, and things worked. But this took too long to work out. Getting the PC set up should have taken about an hour but took more like about four hours.

Welcome to my world!!!
