I have managed to get all of my christmas presents by now. I have friends who I know are still looking… It can be hard to find the perfect gift for someone. Thankfully I have had a fairly easy time – And I think my gifts will go down really well. The SMH does have an idea for those who have everything. It is Gold Plated Chocolate. Yes. 24 carat gold. And since it is so pure it is edible. This must be the ultimate indulgence. And chocolate is one of the five major food groups.

Nature Magazine tells of a rescue mission in a lab in the USA. According to the article, a radioactive sample got snagged in a delivery chute and was emiting deadly radiation. So deadly in fact that it knocked out a robot that had been sent in to save the day. On the third attempt the robot was actualy able to fix the problem, but only after a three week delay in planning.

Slate magazine has an article on why it is not a good idea to buy a dog for christmas. It makes interesting reading as to the ethics of buying a dog, and how one should go about it. I guess if everyone reads this article and heeds the advice then I will not be getting ‘Byte’ until next year 🙂