I was going to post this on sunday but I forgot. And then forgot again when I mentioned about the drunk sailors earlier today. Anyway, Sunday was one of those occasions that I wish I had a camera. I was driving on the Old Northern Road in Castle Hill and I saw probably what could only happen in Australia. Just picture this…

Imagine a guy in his 40’s walking on the footpath… It must be in the high 20’s outside so it is a bit warm, and there is not too much shade. This guy is wearing a full santa suit, and looks like he is walking to the bus stop or something like that. Except for two things. The first is that his top was open exposing his bare chest. And the second was that we was talking on a cellphone. It just looked so, um, Australian. Like I said, I wish I had a camera.

My week is filling up… Thursday I need to visit Eastgardens and then North Ryde. Friday and Saturday I might be working on the plane. And then sunday… Ah, yes. I almost forgot. Christmas day. Lunch with my father and his wife, and dinner with my mother and brother. And probably veging out on monday… I had better leave things here… The Simpsons is about to start and I want to do a tiny bit more work