Ahh, that feels better… A quick shower and some food, and I feel more human. A lot more human. On the plane I did a whole lot of riveting, or more correctly I was the sucker inside the plane bucking the rivets. This invloves holding a piece of metal on the inside of the metal plane whilst someone on the outside hits it with the rivet gun. This of course make a lot of noise, particularly if you are the one inside the plane. Wearing ear muffs certainly help, but it is loud.

I only messed up a few of the rivets. Given the fact that I was in the middle of the plane and and there were bulkheads in the way I had the keep crawling in and out the plane. And spent a lot of time kneeling on a cushion to get the right height. The good thing was that the fuselage tended to concentrate the air from the fan to keep me cool.

Next week we are planning to do a whole lot more on the plane. We might even get the plane to a state where we can sit in it and make plane noises… Sounds fun…