The SMH has an article on John Spencer who plays Leo McGarry on The West Wing. Spencer died about a week back, and was one of the main characters in the show. But the show must go on… so the article describes how that may happen.

Now, I am not a fan of grafitti… It generally looks horrible, and is a waste of space and takes too many resources to clean up. However, one thing that does look cute is Grafitti woollen rug available from ToyCulture. The large red and blue wildstyle rug looks the best I think, and is a limited edition. I dont think I would actually buy one though.

Yahoo has a story about the hassles that the US Vice President had during a recent trip getting his iPod charged whilst in the air. Most of the power outlets on the plane were dead, and the media was trying to share the outlets. So some negotiation needed to be done between the media and the Vice Presidents staff to get his iPod charged.