In a little while I plan to go for a run… Assuming I can find a GPS with batteries I think I will take that with me so that I can test out that GPS to GOOGLE software that I Blogged about a few days back. I just found a GPS… I just need to find some batteries for it. I guess I will steal the batteries back out of my digital camera… The same ones I stole from the GPS to get the camera to work.

Yesterday I was having hassles trying to get a GPS tracking system working. More correctly my client was, and kept telling me what he was finding by eMail, and I kept asking questions. Last night I was going though his last email of the day and I found the results he sent me rather interesting. Firstly the unit was sending out identical position reports every few seconds – down to the time stamp not changing. If nothing else the timestamp should have changed. But each of the lines had a flag set saying that the data was garbage – that there was no GPS lock. So it looks like the two of us wasted half the day looking for issues with software or hardware at the receiver when it was transmitting side.