Some days things just happen, and I get really busy… I have not had a chance to thing since I got back from my run… actually since before my run, but that is another story. My run today was really good… I didi something like 5.5KM in 39 minutes. This means I was averaging about 8.5 KM/H. And I felt like I could do another KM at the end of that if I had wanted to. I felt great. I think I ended up doing two loops of the oval, and two loops of the bottom end of the creek. I really like the fact that my endurance is increasing. Apart from wanting to cool down at the end I felt wonderful. I grabbed a screendump out of OziExplorer as proof.

Well it does not prove anything except to me. And in the end that is all that matters – that I am satisfied that I have done what I wanted to do. I feel like running this afternoon, but I know that I should probably wait until tomorrow before going running again – wait until my body has caught up a bit.

Lunch time today I met with a client – great catching up with him. He has been loving my crystal reports functionality, and has been asking for more features all the time. It is bit of a double edge sword. Empower the users, and the users want more. And with him I am getting more feature requests all the time. And this is good in that it helps me improve the product, and bad since it takes time to improve the product. Still I love doing this so I guess it is not too bad!