I made the mistake of watching a show called ‘Brainiac’ from the UK on the TV this morning… It is a show that is somewhat addictive, but at the same time I have somewhat of a cringe at. Brainiac is sort of a mash up between mythbusters and comedy central I think… Made up of lots of short pieces testing scientific questions… Like will a petrol filled balloon in a microwave oven explode. And which will save you better from a home invader with a crossbow – a loung cushion or a steel wok? Important questions I am sure, but ones where I start shaking my head wondering when I can see the next episode.

This mornings work? Getting some trackers out the door and doing my BAS. The first should be fun… The latter… Well… Lets just say that I could have done this on january 1st if I had wanted to 🙂