One of the things I have found about debugging GPS issues is that it is VERY hard to work out exactly what is going on. Is the issue because of a satellite issue, an antenna issue, a connector problem, a receiver problem, or a software bug. Working out what is going on can be an issue. Right now I have two GPS antennas and I am trying to work out if one is faulty, and if it is then why it is. This is not as easy as it might sound. With so many variables sometimes things just do not work out as expected. Then you need to do a cost benefit analysis. How much is it going to cost me to work this out?

Oh, the other thinng with GPS is that sometimes it is the angle of the antenna so one more thing to consider. In the end I think I will call this antenna marginal, and basically throw it out. Things will be more reliable that way. And there is less chance that a client will be annoyed when the ^&$*^8 tracker does not work. And given how much these things cost it really is not worth it. The main issue is the fact that I do not have any other antennas in my office… Time to get some in…

Time to pack some trackers up (after the obligitory nail polish) and then back to the BAS!