In an interesting twist in the USA, a service has been started up that allows people to swap CD’s online. This is such a cute concept – they charge $1 per CD for the exchange, and $0.49 for postage. Surprisingly they mentioned that they expected some issues from the Copyright police, but claimed an exemption under the US Copyright Act. After all why should you have to pay royalties twice… There are times that I find the legal system really weird.

A textbook in Victorian schools has caused some contraversy by comparing The Crusaides to September 11. Interesting comparison, although I am not convinced it is entirely deserved. I guess he who wins gets to write the history.

I spoke to a Uni student today… Doing Electrical Engineering at the University of Newcastle… He is working on his thesis and is working on defining a project for it. Something to do with time measurement with GPS, and some applications. I expect to hear from him again – should be an interesting exercise. It has been a while since I assisted in any planned way in a thesis…