I don’t drink… If I did I would love a new type of drink that mimics the results of alcohol, but without the horrible side effects. In addition, at the end of the evening there is actually an antidote that allows the person who was drinking to actually drive.

News.Com.AU is reporting that two Australians have been elected to the Italian parliment to represent ex-pats. Soon to be former president Belisconi is rather annoyed since the vote was rather close and Australia had a record number of infromal votes. [Many people did not realise that they needed to stick a barcode onto their ballot, and also needed to only vote one square, and not all of them like in the Australian elections.

Finally, the Finish town of Nokia is dumping all it’s municipal landlines and replacing them with mobiles. Nokia is where the company Nokia started 140 years ago as a foresty company, and has no presence in the city any more.