Ok… It is now 7:30 AM and by all rights I should be in bed asleep for another few hours – preferably until close to midday. But we cannot always have what we want, and it seems that my body clock likes to wake me up at about the same time regardless of what time I get to sleep. So here I am working on this entry, having a healthy breakfast of leftover corn chips, thinking about getting around to doing some work for tuesday…

Yesterday on the plane we worked on more of the canopy… making some minor adjustments to the canopy frame to open the canopy up slightly. Then we moved onto the roll bar – and worked out that it needs to lean a few degrees back. After a few attempts in the late afternoon yesterday we decided to come back to working on that today. So my job this morning will be to get the roll bar installed in the right place.

The MakeEzine site has a really really bizzare photo.. It is of a wooden motorcycle!

And finally cellar.Org shows what happens when you fill a hanger with foam!