I got to sleep in today… not waking up until just before 7AM. If only I could sleep this late every day… Then again, waking up early can be quite productive too. I have just got off a surprise hour long teleconference delaying me writing this up…

In the USA, their ABC TV Company has released several TV shows online for viewing. If you are in the USA you can now watch the episodes of Desperate Housewives, Commander in Chief, Alias etc legally with averts. Cute concept really, aimed at keeping advertisers happy.

The Wall Street Journal have done a survey on the movies that predicted the internet on their site… I thought they could have done a better job, and they should have included movies such as TRON and the like. I expected better from them!

And finally, The Register is revealing an Auction on eBay that is revealing the keys to the UK National Lottery! link.