I slept in this morning, only waking up around 7AM. This constitutes somewhat of a major sleep in for me. Not sure why I slept in – it probably was just catching up for the last week or so.

This morning I have outsourced some work – I am getting a new Web Service written, and called for quotes on the work. In the end I got a coder I have worked with before to do the work for me, and I anticipate that this will work out well. The price was not the lowest of the options, but was reasonably priced. I do not mind paying for knowing what I am geting.

What this does mean is that I now need to work on the rest of the documentation. This is something I have been working on for the past few days, but I still need far more detail. The detail only comes with thinking about the tasks that need to be performed. And that only comes with detailed documentation. So I guess I do more documentation…

I will get some of that done today as I am not working on the plane. I have some building things I want to do here for myself. Back to the plane tomorrow…