Ahh… It was nice to sleep in this morning – I woke up about 7AM. This was good, but I wish I could say that I had more sleep than normal, but alas, this is NOT the case. Once I got home last night I decided to watch some Prison Break on the basis that I would fall asleep watching it. I can assure you that did not happen. But I think I ended up watching two or three episodes of the show, meaning I did not get to sleep until some time after 12:30AM. Oh, well… I guess coffee will be on the agenda for today.

Yesterday when we were working on the fibreglass, we found that using a dust extraction fan worked really well… We had a fan used for carpentry, that does not have much suction, but has a heap of volume passing though it. Provided we had the tube near where we were sanding this actually kept the air really clean. One of the problems with fibreglassing is the sanding – it can get really really messy. So anything that can be done to improve that is a good thing.

Some links. Fosfor Gadgets has a page comparing gadgets from the past with now…… Such as a late 80’s cellphone with one of todays, car sterios and a few other things. Quite humorous. And the LA Times is reporting on the issues involved in advising future generations of a nuclear waste dump deep under Nevada in the USA… How do you tell someone not to dig if you cannot be sure that they know any language?

And finally 14 passengers were arrested in the UK after they arrived from Pakastan. They had decided to upgrade themselves to first class, and refused to go back to their seats. link.