I have been spending more time on system documentation, and as I move forward, the more I can see that my vision is actually implementable. At the start I was somewhat hesitant about being able to implement something that was so wide in scope. And this is really wide in scope. By the end of today I hope to get a copy of the working document to the client for his comment. To say that he will be impressed I think is somewhat of an understatement.

I hope to get about three or four more pages written today, but that depends on how much work I need to do in order to be able to document a design. And of course what I want to say may take more than the three or four pages… As time goes by different parts interest me, so they tend to be the pits that get the work.

On The Register is a story about why most people use the words Umm and Err. According to a University of Sydney person, this is actually a learned mechanism to assist our social interactions. Most conversations have one person talking at once, and is is porposed that Um and Er are used by the person talking to help the other parties of the conversations realise that the person speaking has not finished talking. Sounds really really logical.