I am working in Canada today… I have some software to debug, which I thought was fixed. Well, obviously not from the fault report I got. Now I only have one question… Which piece of software has the BUG? At which end. The problem with BIG systems is that they are big and complex. And that means to debug them you need a good idea of what is inside them.

I have been removing some software that I have not been using from my PC, and then I realised that the software provided a DLL for my TeamTrack software. OOps. Even reinstalling the software did not help. Very strange. After a full re-compile and then reloading the form that had the error, things then worked. Sometimes programming is a challenge. Back to debugging the first problem now that my software is now running!

Now for the crazy project of the day… It is a portable NES, or Nitendo Entertainment System.


I am listening to Darude at the moment – it is electronica I guess…