There are times that I get frightened. Such as when a prime minister says ‘Read My Lips – Now New Taxes’, or when a bank serves you quickly. Or when a phone company does something nice! Right now I think I really really need some protection.

I just got an express post envelope in the post box! Nothing unusual about this, apart from having no return address on it. I did get really scared when I saw the Telstra letterhead inside. What have I done? Did I forget to pay my $500,000 phone bill or something? What is going on?

Read a little further… ‘A small thank you from us’ it read, and it included a double pass to the movies. And it contained a digitized signature from the head of Customer Sales and Service. There is only one small caveat on it – the ticket is not valid after 5PM on a saturday evening.

Now I only have one problem… Who to go to the movies with.