I have just seen the third X-Men movie, and I should say that I am somewhat dissapointed in the show. I was expecting it to be somewhat longer and different to the movie that was presented to us. The movie ended up being just over 90 minutes long, and whilst the special effects were good, the movie was just missing something. And it is not as if they did not put the effort in on the special effects either – you could see that they had – but it is almost as if they used special effects as a way to not have to think more about the script. Put simply, the third installment is not much different to the second installment.

On another subject, a friend is trying to extract some data from a dead Laptop HDD and needed some advice. There are some tricks to getting data off a HDD that is about to die. The first is to use a USB HDD interface. The reason for this is that it is easier to disconnect the HDD for it to cool down. You dont need to restart the PC, you can just unplug it. Then the next trick is to copy the data off before trying to fault find… Just get the data off whilst it is still running. Use a program like Microsoft SyncToy maybe (a free download).

And if the HDD will not work, sometimes tapping it, or cooling it will help. This even includes placing the HDD in a plastic bag and putting it in the freezer for 15-30 minutes. Not a good idea normally, but sometimes this type of thing will get a faulty HDD to work.