There are reports from around the world of a ‘Teacher Proof Ringtone’ that cannot be heard by anyone (suposedly) more than about 18 years old. The first report I saw was in The Register which provided a link to a sound that seemed to be background noise from a room. I actually felt a bit unwell after hearing it – similar to motion sickness I would guess – but I did not hear the tones.

Then I visited the NY Times Site, and I found an article there which provided an MP3 of the ringtone, and I definitely heard it this time. The tone is around 16 KHz, and was sickening to me. This is about the same tone that some older TV sets make when they are starting to fail. I certainly hope this tone does not catch on as it really is anti-social.

For the last stage of this backup, I am using a program called Abakt which is free to copy all the files. SyncToy did not like the length of some of the filenames and paths, so I am trying out this new program. I will report how it goes.