Another strange dream last night – In the dream I had my wallet stollen in a street fair in Ingleburn. If that was not strange enough I was talking to Ghandi when I was there, but he looked like Eddie Murphy. I guess that is what you get when you sleep in…

I have just installed more onto my laptop – this time I needed to install my Laser Printer – a network device. Strangely though to install it you just need to say that it is a LOCAL printer, and then you need to tell it to ‘create a port’. And then things just work. This was strange to work out the first time, but it is now simplicity itself.

What I was having problems with last night was getting some Web Services to work, and install. These are connected to a database, so the server really needs to be on the same machine as the database, and then I can write software to connect between the two. I have a windows box that is ideal for this. Except for one thing. I only have one IP address, and I want two Web Servers. Apache Web Server can be programmed to forward to another server but this is a real PAIN. The easier way is to place the server on a different IP address, and change the software that connects to it accordingly. This is SIMPLE.

Except for one thing. I am using ASP.NET 2.0, and I thought this was installed with Version 2 of the .NET framework. No Way! I need to install VisualStudio or some other software for that to work. And the 18 GByte C: is getting remarkably small… Still, after some cleaning it fits…