Over the last week or two I have been working on a product for a company in Thailand. I have been having some issues getting the software to work as the data did not quite line up with the specification. Anyway, last night I was provided with some demo simulation software, and today I was able to get things running in about 10 minutes or so. Well, maybe a little more than 10 minutes, but I decided to move away from SerialPort.NET to the new serial control in the 2.0 .Net framework. This is so much superior than the SerialPort.NET control, including having timeouts.

I am not sure what I will be doing tomorrow… I am not working on the plane so I might go to the movies, or maybe I will do something really really boring like do some work. I still have things to catch up on after being sick so I might do some of that. I will see how it goes.