Today I am off to Pymble via Holroyd. Pymble should be fun – I think it will mostly be a planning session where I need put my thoughts onto paper to be implemented. Then the implementation will be someone elses problem! Oh, the life as a consultant. Plan something, and then leave the implementation to others.

Last night someone sent me a link to some Uni students I think doing something really really stupid. They were throwing a bowl of Liquid Nitrogen into a hotel swimming pool. The effect was great, but I think carrying a bowl of Liquid Nitrogen may have been the most dangerous thing this person ever did. After all, a single drop is used by doctors to remove skin cancer. Imagine what a large mixing bowl would do if you tripped?

The BBC Film Network has a hilarious short movie called How to tell its over in 90 seconds. One of the ways is when you find a dead pidgeon on the kitchen table and are told that it ‘is a metafor’. Worth a look if you are on broadband. The BBC is also reporting that the Socceroos are using software to gain advantage in the world cup. Unfortunately it looks like there is not enough advantage gained.