I enjoyed the drive to Pymble today. The fog hit like a brick wall at Hoxton Park, and dissapeared suddenly at Winston Hills. I really enjoy driving in fog… I find it more relaxing than normal driving – I do not know why. Maybe it is that I cannot see all the traffic up ahead, or maybe that it sort of cocoons you against the world. Regardless it was a nice drive. Being school holidays helped too with fewer cars on the road. Unfortunately I guess things will be back to normal in 10 days or so when the holidays end.

I got back some code from a coder this morning – some license generation code. The code looks really really good – it was money well spent. I have already been asked for an upgrade from one of my clients – being able to transfer a license to another PC. This is actually a fairly simple task, but it is one I had not thought of. Great idea. Actually, come to think of it, doing that is not as easy as it sounds. I can remove the access to a PC, but how do I ensure that they do not use the license key again. That will require some more thought. Anyway time to go – work to do.