Back from another run… I went probably 1.5km with it, and I would have been doing more but I got a phone call, and the level of the phone was such that I could not hear the call if I was running at the same time. It was hard enough when I was standing still to hear the call. I knew I should have left the phone at home when I went for the run. This run was a bit easier, partially since I have exercised my body a bit and it is getting used to the experience of running again, and also because it was a bit warmer at 2:30PM than 9:30AM in the middle of a Sydney winter. The weather outside is actually really nice – a tiny bit windy, but great apart from that.

News.COM.AU is reporting on three people who tried to sell Coke secrets to Pepsi. Being a good citizen, Pepsi handed the letter offering everything over to Coke, which allowed the FBI to organize a sting operation. In the end the three people were not trying to scam Pepsi, but really did have Coke secrets to sell.

Oh, and when I was at K-Mart earlier I picked up the DVD of the Wizzard of Oz. This is a movie which I do not think I have seen since I was in Kindergaten – it was actually the first Video tape I ever saw, or at least I ever remember seeing. It will be great to see it again after all these years. And no, I do not remember much of it.